Hey there! I'm Abhishek Chohan, a full-stack developer.
I’m a creative and passionate, self-taught web developer, who loves designing and developing for the latest trends and bringing my creativity to life!
Hey there! I'm Abhishek Chohan, a full-stack developer.
I’m a creative and passionate, self-taught web developer, who loves designing and developing for the latest trends and bringing my creativity to life!
Instagram Clone - a clone of instagram app with almost all of the functionalities implemented into it. We can register/login users, update profiles, look for followers, user profiles, followings, likes, comments, upload profile pics, save favourite posts, create new posts/delete posts and many more. It is based on MERN (MongoDB-Express-React-Node) stack. I have used some other technologies as well such as Redux, React-Router, JWT, Postman - to test backend Restful APIs and Bcrypt as Hash Algo.
CaTindr is a Product Landing Page. Its a kind of clone for Tinder's Landing page except I used the Idea of making Tinder for cats. It has all the sections and details that any product landing page should have. I have used different technologies and libraries to enhance UX. Bootstrap, ScrollReveal , JQuery , CSS, HTML & JS with the Mobile-First approach.
A Google keep inspired app with saving and viewing notes. It's made with different packages i.e React, create-react-app, gh-pages and Bootstrap with Mobile-First approach using CSS grid features. Source code, Compiled production build and a Live demo hosted on Github is available for review as well.
EJS Blog is a blogging web app created from scratch using Expressjs, nodejs and ejs as a template view engine along with MongoDB Atlas as database server, deployed on Heroku. Features include all CRUD operations on posts. Moreover, you can search for any post using any keywords or substrings. This app is fully responsive, made using mobile first approach.
Material UI